Okay, so as usual I am behind the eight ball. Brian and I have been back from the Vineyard now for....oh....about 3 weeks. There would be more photos too but Bri didn't want me to post him sitting on the beach with his sunburn :(
We've been keeping pretty busy between work and getting our last summer days of fun in before the weather turns cold.
Brian is trying to get his classroom ready for the first day of school. I've never seen a more beautiful building. Everything is clean, well lit, and brand spanking new. The foyer of the building is designed to look like a lighthouse - a bit cliche I know - but it works.
Brad, Katie, Dee, and Meghan came up last weekend and we really had a great time. They brought clothes and toys for the baby. I felt totally spoiled. We toured Camden, went to the winery, did some antiquing.....Thanks guys for trucking all the way up here for us.
Paul and Dawne from South Paris, Me have also come to visit. Brian and I helped them board the French, a schooner out of Camden this weekend. They are out on a 4 day sail and in the mean time we get to drive their Subaru Outback. Great car by the way!
Brian and I are down internet access at the house so I am afraid my blogging will be worse than ever, but I will try to continue our postings. Until next time.....
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