Friday, February 29, 2008
Going Back to Work
My maternity leave is all but over and I am desperately trying to savor the last few moments I have with Maddie before returning to a busy call schedule. I have successfully nursed her over the past two and a half months during which time she did demonstrate the ability to take a bottle. Now however, she utterly refuses. Brian and I have tried just about everything and we are at our wit's end. To boot, Maddie is no longer sleeping through the night. I think she senses change on the horizon. Any recommendations from other moms out there would be more than appreciated.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So Trish, Erin, and I all got our babies together last week. Trish, Erin, Sydney, and Ciara trecked up to Maine - an eight hour journey round trip. We celebrated Syd's birthday a bit early with a cake only I could make ;). It tasted good, but was lopsided after being exposed to a warm oven.
Bri and Syd escaped the babyfest and spent an hour or so at Planet Toys. Syd got an electronic destiny device which, if I remember correctly, told us we would all be broke.
Ciara seemed to enjoy the Rainforest Jumperoo (pictured here). It is still too big for Madeleine, but it won't be long.
Thanks for coming up you guys!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Let's Get Physical
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Shara and I are considering re-titling our blog. Any ideas for a name? I suggested "Holy Crap We Have a Baby!" and Shara had nothing to contribute.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The 80s are Back Baby!!!!!!
Brian here, taking a few moments while our little Madeleine is busy working to increase her lung capacity. She's also trying to turn as many shades of red as she can.
Last week, Maddie woke up with the hair seen in these photos. They have not been doctored. In fact, Shara and I are frightened as to what these photos portend for her in the future.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
More Photos
It's taken awhile to get into a routine, but I have finally been able to carve out enough time in the day to return to blogging. Maddie is getting big - so is her hair! For those of you who knew me then, think Shara 6th grade. Those photos will follow in another entry when I'm feeling less lazy. In any case, Maddie is over her case of baby acne but is now entering the drooling stage. Brian and I are getting 8 hours of sleep so we can't complain. Oh, and Maddie is now socially smiling. We can be confident that her smiles are no longer going to be followed by a dreaded diaper change.
On other fronts, my brother recently moved into his new condo. Congrats Paul!
Brian's sister started working at Pier One in Boston and has returned home from N.H. - Yeah!
Also, Brian and I have put the house on the market. We decided that the time spent working on it room by room is too much time spent away from family. Life is too short to strip wallpaper and scrape paint. It was fun while it lasted and was a learning experience to say the least, but we are ready to move on. Keep your fingers crossed that it sells soon.
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