Friday, February 29, 2008

Going Back to Work

My maternity leave is all but over and I am desperately trying to savor the last few moments I have with Maddie before returning to a busy call schedule. I have successfully nursed her over the past two and a half months during which time she did demonstrate the ability to take a bottle. Now however, she utterly refuses. Brian and I have tried just about everything and we are at our wit's end. To boot, Maddie is no longer sleeping through the night. I think she senses change on the horizon. Any recommendations from other moms out there would be more than appreciated.


The Seymour-Tisdell-Straubs said...

Congrats on being so successful nursing her! 2.5 months is great. As for getting her to take the bottle....trying a variety of nipples or having only people other than you feed her might help (i.e. she knows Brian don't got the "goods") so she might be more willing to take a bottle from him. When she's hungry enough - she'll take it. Good luck at work...keep us posted!

will-the-thrill said...

I was going to offer the same advice as Trish... Try lots of different bottle types, I know Will had his favorites. And again, not coming from mom might be the best bet at first. Good luck - are you starting day care soon?