Saturday, June 20, 2009

It appears I spoke too soon in my last posting....My latest doctor's appointment revealed that our little girl is very anxious to make her way in to the world. I am now 27 weeks pregnant and have been placed on strict bed rest by my physician. Trish has already been by, and amazingly was juggling Maddie, Ella, and Charlotte all at the same time while I lounged around on the couch. Luckily, Brian is off for the summer and both sets of parents have promised drop in to give us a hand. I'm armed with movies, the internet, and lots of books. Also, our living room has turned into a camping area, complete with sleeping bags and pillows so I can be at Maddie's level when we play together. I apologize for missing any of the fun summer events that will be taking place - my brother's wedding shower, b'day parties, bbqs, and the like....I would much rather be at those gatherings, believe me....But because my family and friend know me all too well, I've had to take an oath to behave myself. When all is said and done it will be worth it. I've got lots of time on my hands so stay tuned for more postings :)


Sandi and Mike said...

Yikes! Sorry to hear that your now "bed bound" you said, it will all be worth it! Take Care! --Sandi

Katie said...

Hey Shara and Brian,
Let us know if you need anything. I'd be happy to bring up some lunches or dinners. On the bright side, Maddie must be loving all the extra time she gets to spend with you. Hope all is well, otherwise. Remember, let us know if you need anything.