Cute Trick or Treaters
In keeping with the fun of last year, Brian unveiled his pumpkin beer before we took the kids out trick or treating. Sean won the pumpkin king brew because of his lawn mower racing success. Erika and Christina brought over the most amazing food. Thank you guys. We had a princess, a sprite, a pirate, and a sock hop dancing girl accompany the adults out for the evening. In case you were wondering...I am a bee. Brian dressed as a vampire, although he is not feature here. He kept trying to tell me he was from the True Blood series. Auntie E was in the spirit too with her devil horns. The grandparents held down the fort and passed out the candy. Miss Hannah Banana managed to eat through one of the wrappers while we weren't looking to get at a Nestle Crunch Bar. I looked back to see chocolate smeared all over her face. Crazy girl. Will that pass? Ha!
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