Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Britton's Here!!

 6 weeks to go in this photo...

I am WAY behind, but as many of you with children know, I now have 3 very good excuses.  I went into labor the night Brian's parents left for Aruba.  Aside from that, Britton's timing couldn't have been better.  I finished up the last of my scheduled shifts at work, cleaned the house, and got a day off with Hannah and Maddie.  My contractions started around 2am.  I felt really restless but wasn't in pain.  The contractions were really weird - 5 minutes, then 20 minutes, then 10 minutes apart.  I couldn't figure out what was going on.  By 5am I called in the reinforcements.  My mom came and stayed with the girls as Brian and I made our way to the hospital.  Turns out my water had broken but I wasn't dilating due to previous surgery.  Hence, the nearly painless and irregular contractions.  They had to give me pitocin to advance the labor and I was sure I was going to the OR for C-section.  But my doctor respected my wishes and was aggressive about moving things along.  By 4pm we had a baby.  My active labor phase was under 8 minutes.  I pushed and she was out.  I might have pushed a total of 4 times.  It was easy.  I'm pretty sure I told Brian I could do it again (even though we won't be doing it again).  And there she was - Britton Collette LaPointe, 7lbs 15oz.  We borrowed the name (with permission) from a friend of ours in Maine. 

Britton is an amazing sleeper and such a good baby.  She's got quite the head of hair but it will be awhile before we know if it's going to be curly.  How my other girls got straight hair I will never know.....There is next to no sleep deprivation here.  Juggling 3 though is challenging.  Butch finished Hannah's room so we could complete the nursery just in time.  I will take pictures and post them soon.  Meanwhile we are working on getting the kids new swing set up.  Can't wait.

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