Sunday evening, Maddie was sitting on the floor playing with the phone. She loves to play with the phone, the remote, the computer, etc. She's a little tech geek. Usually I unplug the phone when she plays with it so she doesn't mistakenly call someone but I forgot to Sunday. As I worked on some correcting, the telephone rang. I looked at our little miss, thinking that perhaps she just pressed the ringer adjust. I picked the phone up and instinctively said, "Hello?" A voice on the other end said, "This is the Ashburnham Police Department. Is everything ok?" I blushed and said, "Yes," and went into an explanation about what happened. "Well, we're going to send somebody out to be sure." "Alright, I'll look for him." Ten minutes later a cruiser pulled up to the house and an officer came to the door. We let him in and I explained what happened, all of us having a good laugh over it.
In other news, Maddie has developed another new talent that kept us all very entertained over Thanksgiving. We call the new move "Fish Lips." Check out the videos (she cries at the end of the second one...).
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Maddie's New Talent
Maddie treated Shara and I at dinner tonight with a wonderful serenade, a sample of which is demonstrated here in this video recorded the other night during her rehearsal.
Maddie the Duck...or Chicken.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
So I've left Brian to do most of the blogging lately. I thought it should be my turn.
We can't believe summer is drawing to a close. Brian has started his new job. He is teaching second grade at the Page Hilltop Elementary School in Ayer and seems to really enjoy it. Maddie is with Grammie Jane three days a week when I have to work. From what I can tell they seem to be having a fabulous time together.
We have enjoyed the multiple babyfests and barbeques over the past 3 months. It has been really nice to see everyone and we are happy to be back home where we know we'll be able to catch up more often. There is the picture you asked for Trish. Sorry to all whom I promised this 2 months ago.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Madeleine's New Developmental Stage
Maddie crawled for the first time yesterday, after weeks and weeks of eager anticipation on the parts of both parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and interested friends.
The question is: what pushed our little nugget over "Not Crawling Yet" Cliff into "Holy Crap! She's Crawling" Chasm? Was it her favorite stuffed animal? Was it a bottle of milk or perhaps her favorite food? Was it the prospect of excited praise from both parents? Watch the video and find out!
P.S. This is the second time she crawled and each time it was for the same thing. I think she looks like an AT-AT!
The question is: what pushed our little nugget over "Not Crawling Yet" Cliff into "Holy Crap! She's Crawling" Chasm? Was it her favorite stuffed animal? Was it a bottle of milk or perhaps her favorite food? Was it the prospect of excited praise from both parents? Watch the video and find out!
P.S. This is the second time she crawled and each time it was for the same thing. I think she looks like an AT-AT!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Here are some photos of a possessed Maddie in the bathtub. You wouldn't be far off to think she just bit the head off one of her rubber duckies.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Been a while...

Anyway, it's been a busy couple of months. Shara's been steady with her job and I (sadly) finished up in Belfast. I'm still looking for a job--anybody know anybody?--in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. I had an interview last week but didn't get the position. We're settling in to the house pretty okay. It's strange for me to be at my grandparents' house without them beinghere and running into people that I knew when I was a kid.
We moved 98% of our stuff down to Massachusetts. Some of it's here at
Maddie is (can you believe it?) still exciting. She's not crawling yet but any day now she should be. She's sitting up really well and can pull herself up onher own if we hold her hands. Today she started babbling like crazy. I'll try and post a video as soon as I get one because typing it out isn't as cute: "bah, bah, bah,bah, bah." Shara and I are happy she has a new vocalization in her repertoire because we were getting pretty tired of The Shriek!

Here's Maddie and her friend CM using Photo Booth on the laptop.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mad(di)e in the Shade(s)
The first thing you do when you get up out of bed
Is hit that street a-runnin' and try to beat the masses
And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses...
Thanks to Mimi and Popi for the sunglasses :)
Spring is definitely here and summer is soon to follow. The nice weather has drawn us out of our winter den to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having. An easy fix for a fussy baby is some fresh air.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Mimi and Maddie
Nice Weather is Here
Bri and I have finally had the opportunity to get outside with Maddie. We went to Lucia beach last weekend, and walked the breakwater in Rockland yesterday.
We've been doing yard work while keeping our fingers crossed that the house will sell.
There have been a number of people out walking in the neighborhood, and it would seem that several have stopped to comment on our 'For Sale' sign. Brian thinks they were commenting on the condition of our house instead :(
Maddie's hair is now long enough for barettes!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
A couple of nights ago I plopped Maddie on my knee while Shara and I finished dinner. Much to our surprise and delight she began giggling--Maddie, not Shara--which made Shara giggle and then Maddie, then Shara, then Maddie, then me, then Shara, then Maddie, then Shara, then Maddie, and then Shara again. We didn't risk going for the camera but just enjoyed the moment.
Well, tonight Shara and I were finishing dinner again and I plopped Maddie down on my knee again and guess what? More giggles! Shara went and got the camera and we taped Maddie's laughs. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Who knows what she finds so funny--maybe Shara had something in her teeth.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
This photo was taken the other night after her bath. I didn't try and style her hair. This is just how it set itself. Madeleine is becoming interested in mirrors. Here we are having fun making faces.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Not ALWAYS smiling...
Sunday, March 09, 2008
So we made it through week one of daycare. The baby has a slight cold but still wakes up every morning with a smile.
I've included some pictures of Brooke and her beau, Wyatt. The two of them have made a huge effort to keep in touch with Bri and I over these past few months as we try to adjust to life with baby. Brookie you are amazing with kids. I can't wait until you are a mom too. Wyatt pay no attention - yet.....
Friday, February 29, 2008
Going Back to Work
My maternity leave is all but over and I am desperately trying to savor the last few moments I have with Maddie before returning to a busy call schedule. I have successfully nursed her over the past two and a half months during which time she did demonstrate the ability to take a bottle. Now however, she utterly refuses. Brian and I have tried just about everything and we are at our wit's end. To boot, Maddie is no longer sleeping through the night. I think she senses change on the horizon. Any recommendations from other moms out there would be more than appreciated.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So Trish, Erin, and I all got our babies together last week. Trish, Erin, Sydney, and Ciara trecked up to Maine - an eight hour journey round trip. We celebrated Syd's birthday a bit early with a cake only I could make ;). It tasted good, but was lopsided after being exposed to a warm oven.
Bri and Syd escaped the babyfest and spent an hour or so at Planet Toys. Syd got an electronic destiny device which, if I remember correctly, told us we would all be broke.
Ciara seemed to enjoy the Rainforest Jumperoo (pictured here). It is still too big for Madeleine, but it won't be long.
Thanks for coming up you guys!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Let's Get Physical
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Shara and I are considering re-titling our blog. Any ideas for a name? I suggested "Holy Crap We Have a Baby!" and Shara had nothing to contribute.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The 80s are Back Baby!!!!!!
Brian here, taking a few moments while our little Madeleine is busy working to increase her lung capacity. She's also trying to turn as many shades of red as she can.
Last week, Maddie woke up with the hair seen in these photos. They have not been doctored. In fact, Shara and I are frightened as to what these photos portend for her in the future.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
More Photos
It's taken awhile to get into a routine, but I have finally been able to carve out enough time in the day to return to blogging. Maddie is getting big - so is her hair! For those of you who knew me then, think Shara 6th grade. Those photos will follow in another entry when I'm feeling less lazy. In any case, Maddie is over her case of baby acne but is now entering the drooling stage. Brian and I are getting 8 hours of sleep so we can't complain. Oh, and Maddie is now socially smiling. We can be confident that her smiles are no longer going to be followed by a dreaded diaper change.
On other fronts, my brother recently moved into his new condo. Congrats Paul!
Brian's sister started working at Pier One in Boston and has returned home from N.H. - Yeah!
Also, Brian and I have put the house on the market. We decided that the time spent working on it room by room is too much time spent away from family. Life is too short to strip wallpaper and scrape paint. It was fun while it lasted and was a learning experience to say the least, but we are ready to move on. Keep your fingers crossed that it sells soon.
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